Father/Daughter Dance That Will Make You CRY! | Cheryl Kaye & Kyle

Father/Daughter Dance That Will Make You CRY! | Cheryl Kaye & Kyle.

Published by jsqueen625

I'm a blogger, author, innovator, marketing whiz & promoter. A survivor & passionate about domestic violence. (Advice; don't do it & def don't take it) Now back to the business at hand. I'm a Lover of all things life. Intrigued by crime, yet stumped by criminals, including the cute ones. Yes I confess there's more than a few. Let's write your story the time is rite! Reality shows are still a rav and like everyone else honest I confess to watching a few. As to how I feel about them on this day; I plead the 5th! Look for topics on all things, and don't be shy. I love making new friends & I'm always avail to all of em so hit me up. Enough about me, now it's all about u...

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